Welcome to Nepali Kitab Editing Team.

This website is a sub-website of nepalikitab.org. Here we convert old books into Unicode text format. It is a collective effort by volunteers around the world. If you are also interested, please join the team.

We keep here the books generated after scanning and extracting texts with OCR. It contains many errors. Our goal is to remove the errors.

How to edit


1. Make an account or log in.

2. Select the book of your interest.

3. Click edit

4. Edit and clean up the errors and book format. If you are familiar with wiki syntax, you can edit the source too.

5. Save time to time while editing

For details about formatting text, refer to: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting

Step 1: Scan and OCR

Step 2: Title and heading corrections

Step 3: Text correction

Category Step 3 not found

Step 4: Proof reading

Category Step 4 not found

Step 5: Finished books

पुरा भएका किताब